Contact Us

We're eager to hear from you.
Our next festival is May 18, 2020 in NYC at Cinépolis Chelsea Theaters.


Tickets will go on sale on our
site and also on Eventbrite.

BEFORE you contact us, please see the short FAQ below.


Q. When and where is the festival?
A. May 18, 2020, at Cinépolis Chelsea, 260 W 23rd Street (7th/8th), New York, NY 10011. (

Q. What is the schedule for the festival?
A. The schedule will be released in March, after our submission process has ended.

Q. When do tickets go on sale?
A. March 2020.

Q. Is it too late to sponsor this festival?
A. No, our sponsor deadline is March 30, 2020.

Q. Is it too late to submit my film to this festival?
A. No, our deadline is rare disease day 2/29/2020. Enter here

Q. How can I help spread the word about the festival?
A. We're on Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin. Bo, one of our organizers, is on Twitter. Please share our posts and help us fill some seats! Or just tag us and tell us you're coming. We're using the hashtag #DISORDER.

Q. If I can't make it to the festival, is there any way to access the films online?
A. Yes, some of them. A few of our 2017 films are linked here:
and 24 of our 2019 films are linked here

Q. Can you help me make a film about my rare disease, or find me a filmmaker or some funding to make my own film?
A. YES! This festival will include a Filmmaker Bootcamp, a series of workshops designed to teach you the fundamentals of filmmaking, so you can head home and make your own film. We have also produced one rare-disease film, as part of our 7000 Films Wanted initiative. We are not currently accepting applications for new films, but we may reopen this program at some point later. Join our mailing list to be notified if and when we do so: 

Thank you all.


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